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25 things you can do yourself to avoid greenhouse gaz emissions
Commit to do at least one point and write it on your card!
Electricity - reduce pollution from producing electricity
I switch off electric devices when I’m not using them, for example TV, computer, light, air conditioning
I use electricity from renewable sources, such as hydro, wind or solar
I replace old appliances with energy saving models, like fridge or LED bulbs
I save water and electricity when doing the laundry, I fill up the washing machine and dry clothes on the line or the laundry rack.
I take a shower instead of having a bath, because also water is heated with electric power or with petrol, and taking a shower consumes much less water than taking a baths.
Mobility - reduce the pollution of cars, airplanes etc.
I use public transport, walk or use my bicycle – but not a car that produces CO2.
I say no to air travel, instead I travel by train or bus or I take my holidays close-by
When I’m grown up, I’m going to buy or rent an electric car, but not a car with a petrol engine.
I persuade my parents to share cars with others, and we go shopping with our neighbours or commute together with colleagues.
I replace my motor bike with an electric bike, and I’ll save money because clean energy is less expen-sive than petrol.
Lifestyle - reduce pollution from production of things...
I only buy second-hand stuff, because new stuff has to first be produced, which leads to the production of CO2.
I use environmentally friendly cleaning products and cosmetics, such as vinegar to descale, or almond oil for body care.
I lower the temperature of the heating at home and don't produce too much heat. Instead I wear a pullover and save heating energy.
I say no plastics and alu cans, and use refillable glass bottles or a reusable bag for shopping; because plastic is oil.
I share stuff with my friends and neighbours, such as household appliances, toys, tools, so that they don’t need to be produced in a factory.
Deforestation - reduce pollution and make oxygen
I do not cut down or burn trees. We need trees because they can change CO2 to oxygen.
I reduce the amount of paper products, because paper is made of wood. If I need to use paper, I choose recycling paper.
I plant a tree, because it can absorb CO2 from the air.
I use regionally grown wood from sustainable forestry, to construct, to do handicraft, for heating, toys and furniture.
I say no to palm oil and soy. Because of them, lots of forests are cut down and burnt.
Food -reduce pollution from agriculture
I eat less meat, dairy products and eggs - but more vegetables and fruits, because livestock produces methane.
I only buy regional, seasonal und organically grown food, which are not transported from far away by air or by truck.
I do not waste food, instead I eat the leftovers and take away the leftovers from a restaurant meal.
I enjoy non-processed food, because it needs less packaging, less preservatives and less palm oil.
I grow my own vegetables and fruits, in the garden, on the balcony, on the
terrace or on the roof
Choose one of these commitments and write it on your WAVE-commitment card. Don’t forget to write your name, the name and place of your school!
some useful links for additional information:
7 things you can do to reduce climate change, New York Times
50 things you can do / Global Warming Facts
Top 10 things you can do to stop global warming / David Suzuki
5 things you can do about climate change / CNN
10 solutions for climate change / scientific American
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