Photographs Marrakech 2016
50'000 Climate Commitments from children from 25 nations
at COP 22 / United Nations Climate Change Conference
in cooperation with Formula E
Click on the pictures to enlarge them and to read the stories

The letters come from all over the world, like L = Swiss School in Lima, Peru B = Collegium Spiritus Sanctus in Brig, Switzerland S = Kollegium Schwyz, Switzerland R = Castelli Inernational School, Roma I = Isstanbul, Turkey

help us to lay out the posters

Two Tesla Model S (visible in the background) have transported some cards from Switzerland in 5 Days all the way to Marrakesh (3000 km) in their electric Tesla Model S. Many thanks to Ingolf Kastner, Bernard Langwehr and Rafael de Mestre!

from different schools in Marrakesh came to help us to set up the mosaic. Many thanks to all teachers and pupils, you did a great job!

Guinnes needs a photograph of each poster that we received, so the newest arrivals are photographed

checking the scotch tapes

on an electric truck, to celebrate the world record!

is also here

has also arrived!

enjoy being photographed

are standing on the mosaic, and we cane take some unique pictures with them!

Seen from the crane, 50581 greeting cards have been layed out to create the world's largest greeting card mosaic. This mosaic measures 750 m2, the world record before was 395 m2.

This mosaic also breaks another world record. So far the greeting card with the most contributions had 13'000 contributions. This mosaic has 50581 contributions!

There is not much time left to save the planet!

from Odessa, Ukraine, beautiful!

The helpers and Ambassadors can't believe its' achieved!

Organised more than 5000 cards in schools in Agadir and Marakesh, and she also organized the pupils who helped to set up the mosaic

Silvia has also transported more than 5000 WAVE cards from Switzerland to Morocco with her Twike!

Helped to organize many schools in Switzerland, fixed all cards and came to help to set up the mosaic in Marrakesh

Helped to transport some of the cards from Switzerland to Marrakesh in his clean, electric Tesla Model S, and now on his way back to Switzerland with all 50'581 cards on board!

Helped to treansport some of the cards from Switzerland to Marrakesh in his clean, electric Tesla Model S

Came to Marrakesh to help to set up the cards, and new Vide-President of WAVE EARTH

Owner of the Twike electric vehicle factory, came to Marrakesh to help to set up the cards

Helped to collect cards at schools in Portugal, and to set up the mosaic in Morocco

Initiator of WAVE EARTH

With people from Italy, Germany and Switzerland here on the picture, and many many more in many more other countries

the new and clean car race for clean, electric race cars!

to set up the mosaic, just next to the race track!

these electric race cars produce no pollution and no noise

have attended the formula E race in Marrakesh

of up to 200 km/h next to our mosaic!

seen from the air

as seen from the crane next to the mosaic

from the crane

Many thanks Rafael de Mestre for transporting all 50581 climate commitment cards back to Switzerland in his electric Tesla Model S. It's important for us that the cards are transported in the cleanest way possible!