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Burning coal for making electricity

Burning coal for making electricity

25 % of global CO2 emissions

Emissions made by traffic

Emissions made by traffic

17 % of CO2 worldwide emissions

Deforestation and burning of forests

Deforestation and burning of forests

25 % of global CO2 emissions



2 % of global CO2 emissions



3 % of global CO2 emissions



Everything you should know about Climate Change
A quick introduction for pupils


What is Climate Change?

How you noticed how the climate is changing? Is some areas, where people used to enjoy pleasant climate, it sometimes becomes very hot. In other areas, where they always had enough rain, sometimes a drought appears like noone has ever seen before. Or in drier areas, it can rain cats and dogs and everything is flooded. Climate Change is becoming more and mor often.


What is causing Climate Change?

Us! Since about two hundred years, people have discovered oil, petrol and gas. These so called "fossil fuels" are great to power our cars and airplanes, to heat our houses or to produce electricity with coal. But the gases which are emitted into the air (so called CO2) are causing a warming of the temperatures. The heat of the sun can not be reflected back to space, so the heat remains on our planet. And this is dangerous. Besides fossil fuels, also the forests of this world are cut and burnt, this also generates a lot of CO2.

What are the consequences of Climate Change?
Scientists say that the temperatures worldwide will raise by 2 C° until the end of this century, and if we don't stop the CO2 emissions, then it will even be hotter. More droghts, more floods, less snow in mountain areas and in general a warmer climate everywhere are the consequences. And with warmer climate, the ice at the North and South Pole is going to melt, and Sea levels are rising. The homes of millions of people along the coasts are in danger. 


How can Climate Change be stopped?

Nothing can stop Climate Change, but it can slow down if all human beings reduce the burning of fossil fuels. Everyone is part of this problem, so everyone must be part of the solution and do something. See on the next page what the solutions we have.


Climate Change is causing rising Sea levels. See which cities are threatened the most

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