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Write your idea(s) for a better climate!



Wind Turbines in the Mountains


Step 1:
Take a piece of white paper, best is recycled paper, with a size A6 (105 x 148 mm)
Step 2:
Write your commitment on the card. You can choose from a list of possible commitments here
Please follow these instructions!
In order to be sure that the leaders of this world will get the message and that Guinness World Records will accept this world record, you must follow these instructions step by step. It will only take you a few minutes. Thank you for following these steps - let's move the world, together!

Please produce a short Video-Clip of the whole process, how you make your cards and when the electric vehicles pick them up, and send to to us, so you can share your efforts with all other schools all over the world!

Step 4:-
And now make a nice drawing on your card.
Step 5:-
Now stick your card on sheet of paper of size DIN A0 (width 118.9 cm, height of 84.9 cm). 64 cards fit on one poster. You can also stick 8 sheets of size A3 together to form one A0.

Step 6:-
Certain schools have been selected to create a letter on the poster. Use red cards for creating that letter.

Step 7:-
Finally, your teacher will tell you when the WAVE electric car(s) will arrive to pick up the posters. Be ready to welcome the WAVE people and give them a warm welcome!

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