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Clean Wind Energy

Clean Wind Energy

instead of coal power plants

Build well insulated houses

Build well insulated houses

they don't need oil or gaz, just sunshine

Use an electric vehicle

Use an electric vehicle

powered by wind and solar energy

Solar cells on every rooftop

Solar cells on every rooftop

everyone can produce his own, clean energy on his rooftop

Preserve the forests

Preserve the forests

and plant a tree!

Use dangerous methane from landfill

Use dangerous methane from landfill

to produce clean energy

Use Public Transport

Use Public Transport

instead of your gazoline car

Use your cycle or go by foot

Use your cycle or go by foot

instead of taking a gazoline car

Seven ways to stop Climate Change

These points are adressed to the leaders of this world. If these points are fullfilled, we could avoid 70 % of global greenhouse gaz emissions.

  1. Coal Power Plants must be switched off. Electricity must be produced with clean energy, such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. 

  2. Cars must not be powered by fuel any more. They must must be powered by electricity, which must be produced by clean energy. Or simply build bicycle paths and support public transport.

  3. Houses must not be heated with gaz or oil. Let's heat houses with solar and geothermal power!

  4. Stop deforestation. Support reforestation and let's plant trees! 

  5. Burn the methane from landfills and produce energy. Once the methane is in the athmosphere, it is a 20 times stronger greenhouse gaz than CO2.

  6. Put a price on carbon. For every carbon emission (like shipping or airplane travel) money will be available to compensate these emissions, for example by reforestation or renewable energies.

  7. Reduce your own emissions first. Everyone must be part of the solution. How this is possible, see on the next page



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